Data Subprocessors

Data Subprocessors

Plumb uses various data subprocessors on our website and in our products, including:

AI Service in production

AI Service in production

AI Service in production

  • Anthropic (anthropic.com)

  • AssemblyAI (assemblyai.com)

  • OpenAI (openai.com)

Application hosting

Application hosting

Application hosting

  • Fly.io (fly.io)

Build marketing sites without code

Build marketing sites without code

Build marketing sites without code

  • Framer.com (framer.com)

Email, calendar, documents and spreadsheets

Email, calendar, documents and spreadsheets

Email, calendar, documents and spreadsheets

  • Google Workspace (workspace.google.com)

Website Analytics

Website Analytics

Website Analytics

  • PostHog (posthog.com)

Error tracking, performance monitoring, alerting

Error tracking, performance monitoring, alerting

Error tracking, performance monitoring, alerting

  • Sentry (sentry.io)

Supermanage app database

Supermanage app database

Supermanage app database

  • Supabase (supabase.com)